Each experience is sealed by the so-called “Artour essence” and is comprised of two elements with the objective of inspiring Artourians and widening their horizons:
The Core Program focuses on art experiences and aims to provide Artourians with an understanding of the key players in the art world and its dynamics in innovative and fun ways, thanks to exclusive access to these players. It comprises diving into the world of art galleries, artists’ studios, museums, auction houses, and much more.
The Satellite Experiences aim to widen the horizons of the Artourians beyond fine art by enriching their experiences in the fields of (i) innovation/ technology; (ii) music; (iii) creativity; (iv) nature; (v) cuisine/culinary lab; (vi) dance/theater; and (vii) iconic brands, by learning ‘the story behind the story.’
At Artour we involve young people through non-formal education experiences, carried out in cooperation with cultural institutions, innovation labs, artist studios, schools, environmental associations, universities, various other associations and social groups both at local and international level.